Asphalt Paving Trends in Columbus, Ohio


By the year 2027, the global asphalt market is expected to reach 321.5 million. With this much growth and changes in the industry, there are sure to be advancements and new trends in the industry. From asphalt cleaning to smart paving technology, and more, the industry can expect to grow and advance over the next several years.  … Read more

Your Guide to Seasonal Asphalt Paving

Your Guide to Seasonal Asphalt Paving

You’ve seen the signs and you know what they mean. It’s time for seasonal asphalt paving. Did you know that a new asphalt driveway can last up to 25 years? That’s a huge return on your investment. To help you decide if it’s time for asphalt cleaning, seasonal asphalt paving, or a new driveway, we’ve rounded … Read more

Asphalt Paving Trends in Columbus, Ohio


By the year 2027, the global asphalt market is expected to reach 321.5 million. With this much growth and changes in the industry, there are sure to be advancements and new trends in the industry. From asphalt cleaning to smart paving technology, and more, the industry can expect to grow and advance over the next several years.  … Read more

How the Summer Heat Effects Your Asphalt Pavement

How The Summer Heat Effects Your Asphalt Pavement

Not only is asphalt pavement durable, but it’s also an affordable paving that will last you years. That is if you maintain it properly. With summer right around the corner, you may be wondering what effect the hot temperatures may have on your new asphalt pavement. While asphalt is tough, it is susceptible to seasonal … Read more

How to Know When It’s Time to Re-Pave Your Parking Lot

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Can you believe that 5% of the United States is covered by parking lots? With so many people relying on easy access to parking lots, it’s important for business owners to keep up with parking lot maintenance to keep the area clean and safe. Knowing when it’s time to invest in some paving services can be challenging, … Read more

Reasons to Choose Asphalt Paving for Your Driveway

Did you know that if your driveway is cracked, studded with potholes, or looks worn out, you can seriously impact your home’s value? If you don’t want to leave money on the table, then it’s time for a driveway makeover. However, there are so many options to choose from that it can be hard to decide. But there … Read more

The Benefits of Sealcoating a Drive Way

Benefits Of Sealcoating

Is your driveway falling apart? Sealcoating might be in your future. If you have an asphalt driveway, you’ve probably already noticed how quickly it deteriorates. Both concrete and asphalt are prone to cracking under the stress of your vehicle, in addition to constant sunlight and weather. Before you know it, you’re going to be in for … Read more

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